HOOPS 2023 Service Pack 2
What’s New in HOOPS 2023 SP2
HOOPS Exchange
Format updates:
Our first priority is to deliver quick format updates for both native CAD and standard formats in a timely manner so that the applications our partners are developing can access the latest versions of these formats. Since the release of HOOPS Exchange 2023 SP1, we have released four updated formats:
Inventor 2024
ACIS 2023
Navisworks 2024
Format Enhancements
HOOPS Exchange Service Pack 2 provides enhanced support for NX assemblies referencing JT parts.
HOOPS Communicator
Enhanced Support for Cloud Storage
HOOPS Communicator 2023 SP2 introduces increased support for cloud storage allowing users to write their own classes that inherit from abstract base classes to customize I/O. This functionality can be useful for users looking to do their Stream Cache I/O over WebSocket, another protocol, or lay your files out in a way that would make them normally unreadable by the default Stream Cache filesystem methods.
Added Support for SOLIDWORKS Decals
HOOPS Communicator 2023 Service Pack 2 introduces improvements for SOLIDWORKS decals including enhanced scaling, offset, and clamping capabilities. Additionally, HOOPS Communicator 2023 SP2 now offers support for label projection mapping, effectively preventing distortion when projecting decals onto objects, and ensuring accurate alignment with the object's surface. This release also provides three distinct transparency modes for SOLIDWORKS decals.