Mining & Geosciences
HOOPS SDKs from Tech Soft 3D are powering the world's leading mining software with unmatched 3D visualization SDKs. Learn how component technology from Tech Soft 3D can empower your new or existing mining application
3D Visualization
CAD Import
Partner Success
Building Powerful Mining Solutions
Users in mining and geoscientific fields expect to be able to work remotely via mobile or cloud technologies. They also expect to access and share all their data from any device, whether in the office, in transit, or in the field. Whether you are seeking to build applications for exploration, planning, visualization, or other mining and geoscience disciplines, partnering with Tech Soft 3D will help you serve the evolving needs of your users and explore new markets.

3D Visualization SDKs for Mining Workflows
Mining visualization and interrogation are no longer limited to the desktop as the move to cloud-based applications have been gaining popularity. Tech Soft 3D’s HOOPS Communicator SDK provides a powerful web-based graphics engine that features optimized streaming technology allowing for the viewing of massive models in only seconds. Quickly bring the power of the cloud to your application by leveraging this high-performance web-based graphics engine. For large model rendering within desktop and mobile applications, HOOPS Visualize provides stunning graphics and interactive 3D visualization, providing your users with the best possible experience.

3D CAD Data Access
Accessing native CAD data from formats such as AutoCAD’s DWG has been essential in mining applications in the past and that is likely to remain unchanged in the future. As models become larger, more complex, and the need to interact with more native CAD file formats grows Tech Soft’s 3D’s industry-leading data translation SDK HOOPS Exchange provides data access to over 30 CAD file formats such as AutoCAD DWG®, Inventor®, Creo®, NX™, and many more.

Partner Success

How Datamine’s MineScape leverages powerful 3D Visualization with HOOPS Visualize
Datamine's MineScape application is a suite of integrated solutions designed for open cut and underground mining operations for coal and metalliferous deposits. Learn how HOOPS Visualize supplies high-powered 3D visualization for this leading mining application delivering extensive geological modeling and mine design functionality.
Documentation, Archiving, and Collaboration
As a heavily regulated industry documentation and archival are critical in the mining space. From capturing project progress to site safety incidents, the 3D PDF file format provides the ability to embed 3D objects that can then be easily shared amongst executives, project leaders, or regulators. Tech Soft 3D’s HOOPS Publish SDK allows developers to add this functionality to their applications through the creation of interactive 3D PDF documents providing users with smart reports, work instructions, and capabilities to view 3D models within a browser.

Images courtesy of MineRP & Datamine.
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